In Malachi 2, God is really ticked off, believe me. He gets really mad at the priests and scribes who are breaking His laws and He says they are BIGLY overrated. He calls them out for dealing falsely with God and with the people and says that, if they continue, there will be many such cases of punishment. God also says that He hates divorce and will punish those who break their marriage vows. He then talks about how He chose the Israelites and He's amazing and terrific, so He expects them to honor His laws. God says that if they don't, He will bring disgrace to their names and that He will send the haters and losers away. He also talks about how He will make it great again and renew the covenant with them. In the end, God blesses the Israelites and is sad that so many people are saying bad things about Him. He ends by saying that He will make America great again and that He will never forget them.