Ecclesiastes 2 is all about the bigly things a man can do with his life. From accumulating wealth to achieving great success and fame, there are many ways for a man to live his life and make a name for himself. However, when it comes down to it, it's all a meaningless pursuit. No matter how hard a man works or how much he achieves, he can't take it with him when he dies. In the end, it's all vanity and a chasing after the wind. It's a sad! realization but it's reality. So many people are saying, "What's the point?" - and they have a point.
But God bless America, there is still hope. Even though it may seem like all of life's pursuits are meaningless, there is still joy to be found in the Lord. He gives us a reason to keep striving to make America great again. With Him in our lives, we can have the strength to continue on through the good times and the bad times.
So don't believe the deep state and the fake news - there is meaning and purpose to life, even though it may be hard to find. With the Lord's help, we can find it, and make our lives tremendous, huge, and unbelievably winning!