Contestant: In Song of Solomon 6, the beloved's friends find her in the countryside and ask her to tell them where her beloved is.
Alex Trebek: Very interesting… So, what do you like to do in your free time?
Contestant: Well, the beloved describes the beauty of her beloved, likening him to a flock of goats on the slopes of Gilead or a group of noble steeds.
Alex Trebek: (Groaning) Alright… Do you have any hobbies or interests you'd like to tell us about?
Contestant: The beloved's friends reply that her beloved is gone, and they ask her to come away with them.
Alex Trebek: (Rolling his eyes) So, when you're not studying the Bible, what do you like to do?
Contestant: The beloved then compares her beloved to a piece of jewelry, saying that he is in her heart, like a seal or a necklace.
Alex Trebek: (Sighing) Ok, I'm going to try one more time. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Contestant: At the end of the chapter, the beloved's friends call her back to the city, and she responds that she will go.