Alex: "So, tell me about yourself. What do you do for a living?"
Contestant: "Well, I'm a student of the Bible, and I'm currently studying the book of Daniel. I wanted to tell you about what I've learned from Daniel 4..."
Alex: *sighs* "Go ahead..."
Contestant: "It's about a dream that King Nebuchadnezzar has, where a great tree is cut down and its stump is left in the ground. In the dream, a holy figure tells the king that he will lose his throne and live like an animal until he learns to recognize that the Most High God is sovereign over all people."
Alex: *rolls eyes* "That's nice. Anything else?"
Contestant: "Well, the dream comes true, and the king is driven out of his palace and lives in the wilderness until he acknowledges that God is in control. Then his sanity is restored and he is allowed to reclaim his throne."
Alex: *sighs* "OK, I think that's enough about the Bible for now. Let's move on to something else..."