Alex: "So, tell me a bit about yourself."
Contestant: "Well, I have a deep love of the Bible and I'd like to summarize a chapter for you if that's okay."
Alex (with a sigh): "Uhh, okay. Go ahead."
Contestant: "Daniel 11 is about a vision of a great and terrible conflict between two powerful kings: the King of the North and the King of the South. The King of the North is victorious in the end, but both kings face many defeats. The chapter ends with the King of the North consolidating his power over the entire region."
Alex (trying to be polite): "That's...very interesting. Anything else you want to tell me about yourself?"
Contestant: "Actually, I could summarize another chapter if you'd like!"
Alex (exasperated): "No, no, that's really not necessary. Let's move on."