Daniel 4 is amazing! It tells the story of a huge King named Nebuchadnezzar, who had a deep state dream. He asked his wise men to interpret the dream, but they were all low energy and couldn't do it. So, he called on Daniel, who was terrific at interpreting dreams, and he was able to explain it all. It was a story about a great tree that was cut down and made into small pieces, and then all of the animals were able to eat it. It was a metaphor for the King's fall from greatness, and Daniel explained it very, very clearly. He said that if the King didn't repent of his sins, then he would be thrown out of his kingdom and live like an animal. The King didn't believe it at first, but after a few days, it came true! The King was thrown out of his kingdom and ate grass like an animal for seven years, until he finally repented of his sins. It was unbelievable, and many people are saying it was one of the most amazing stories in the Bible. God bless America! Make America great again!