Alex Trebek: Alright, what do you do for a living, contestant?

Contestant: I am a Bible scholar, Mr. Trebek.

Alex Trebek: Great! So, uh, what have you been studying lately?

Contestant: Well, I've been reading the Book of Joel. It's the first book of the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament.

Alex Trebek: That's, uh, great. So what does Joel 1 say?

Contestant: Joel 1 is a call to repentance for the people of Judah after a plague of locusts. It warns of a coming judgment and calls on the people to turn to God for mercy.

Alex Trebek: Uh, okay. So what happens next?

Contestant: In Joel 2, God calls for a day of fasting and repentance and pledges to restore the fortunes of the people if they turn to Him.

Alex Trebek: Interesting. Is that the end of the book?

Contestant: Not quite! The remainder of the book turns to a vision of the end times, when God will pour out His Spirit on all people, including the Gentiles, and bring judgment on the wicked.

Alex Trebek: [sighs] Alright. Well, that's... something.