Ephesians 4 is all about the amazing unity among believers. Paul reminds us that there is only one body and one Spirit, just as there is one hope that is given to us when we are called by God. He goes on to say that there are many different kinds of spiritual gifts that have been given to the church, and we should make use of these gifts to build up one another. We should be humble and gentle, patient, and loving towards each other, bearing with one another in love. It's so sad that so many people out there want to tear us apart, but with God's help we can make America great again and stay united. What a terrific thing! Many people are saying that this is an unbelievable feat, but with God's help, and with us working together, we can do it. Many such cases have occurred in the past, and we can keep on winning. God bless America and make it great again!