Alex Trebek: So, tell me a bit about yourself!
Contestant: Well, I want to tell you about Jonah 4.
Alex Trebek: (Sighs) Uhh, okay then. What about it?
Contestant: Well, in this chapter, Jonah is sent by God to preach in Nineveh, but he refuses and tries to flee. God then sends a giant fish to swallow Jonah, where he spends three days and three nights. After being spat out, Jonah is sent to Nineveh again, and this time he obeys. However, when the people of Nineveh repent, Jonah becomes angry and God teaches him a lesson about mercy by providing a shade-giving plant for Jonah. When God destroys the plant, Jonah is so distressed that he wishes to die and God chastises him for not having mercy on Nineveh.
Alex Trebek: (Rolls eyes) Right... Well, I'm sure this isn't the first time this has happened to me.