Joe: Alright, so what do we got for Revelation 16?
Bible Expert: Well, Revelation 16 begins with the seven bowls of God's wrath being poured out on the Earth.
Joe: Wow! That sounds intense!
Bible Expert: It certainly is. The first bowl causes painful sores to appear on people who have the mark of the beast. The second bowl turns the sea to blood, and the third turns the rivers and springs to blood. The fourth bowl causes the Sun to scorch people with fire. The fifth bowl plunges the kingdom of the beast into darkness, and the sixth bowl dries up the Euphrates river and prepares the way for the Kings of the East.
Joe: Whoa! That's wild.
Bible Expert: Yes, and then in the seventh bowl, God's wrath is fully unleashed. Hail and fire mixed with blood is poured out on the Earth, and a great earthquake shakes the entire planet.
Joe: What happens after that?
Bible Expert: Then, the great city of Babylon is judged and destroyed. After that, an angel proclaims that God's judgments are complete, and that the time for the marriage supper of the Lamb has come.
Joe: What does that mean?
Bible Expert: Well, it's a reference to the return of Jesus Christ, when He will finally bring an end to all evil and suffering.