Joe: Alright, so what do we have here? Colossians 2?
Bible Expert: Yes, Colossians 2 is all about the importance of faith and living in a way that honors God. It talks about how we should be rooted in our faith and not be swayed by worldly influences.
Joe: What do you mean by worldly influences?
Bible Expert: It's referring to any kind of belief or behavior that takes us away from the path of righteousness. It warns us to be wary of false teachings and philosophies that could lead us astray.
Joe: Wow, that sounds pretty serious.
Jamie: Hang on. I'm Googling this...
Joe: What are you finding?
Jamie: It says here that Colossians 2 also talks about how we should make sure we are living in an attitude of humility, and that we should not be taken in by the pride of life.
Joe: Interesting. So, how do we make sure that we are living in a way that honors God?
Bible Expert: We should make sure that we are devoting ourselves to prayer and studying the Word of God. We should also be careful to live in a way that reflects the grace and mercy of God, and to make sure that our lives are centered around Him.