Joe: Alright, so what's going on in Ecclesiastes 7?
Expert: Well Joe, in this chapter, King Solomon reflects on how much wisdom is worth. He suggests that it is better to be wise than to be foolish, and that it is wiser to be patient than to be quick-tempered.
Joe: Wow, so what else?
Expert: Solomon also says that it is better to be sad than to be happy all the time, as it is better to be wise than to be a fool. He goes on to say that it is better to listen to advice than to speak, and that it is better to be careful than to be careless.
Joe: Interesting! So what else is in this chapter?
Expert: Well, Solomon also warns against being too quick to speak, and suggests that it is better to be slow to anger than to be hasty. He also advises that it is better to be wise than to be rich, and that it is better to have a good reputation than to have money. He also suggests that it is better to be wise than to be superstitious.
Joe: So basically, wisdom is better than anything else, right?
Expert: Yes, that's right. In the final verses, Solomon says that wisdom is better than weapons of war, and that it is better to be wise than to trust in luck. He also says that it is better to heed God's warnings than to trust in our own plans.