Joe: Alright, so what have we got? James 4?
Bible Expert: Yes, James 4 is all about not fighting and being humble.
Joe: That's it? No action? No drama?
Bible Expert: Yeah, it's pretty straightforward. James 4 is all about living in peace and treating others with respect.
Joe: So what does it say, specifically?
Bible Expert: It says that we should submit to God and resist the devil. We should draw near to God and He will draw near to us. We should humble ourselves before Him and He will exalt us. We should not be friends with the world and we should not be led by our passions. We should also not fight against one another.
Joe: Wow, that's pretty deep! What else?
Bible Expert: It also says that we should be humble and not speak evil of one another. We should not be proud or boastful. We should not judge one another. We should not be jealous of one another or have envy of one another. We should instead be kind and merciful to one another, and forgive one another.
Joe: Wow, that's really cool. Jamie, look this up for me and make sure it's true!
Jamie: Sure thing, Joe!